Tag: spider

  • Granny gives the game away

    Hello All. Yes, I gave the game away.And, caused a death.Don’t judge me.Until you hear the whole story.I feel bad enough as it is. I woke up this morning.Swung my legs out and pulled the duvet back.And, gave a little yell.A spider came out, right next to me.IN my bed.I did not think to take…

  • Granny is unemployed

    Hello All. Yes….every now and then I think….oh hell I am not working. I know this is just temporary. But it is still scary. So we,eventually, bought the TV. We got to one of the stores and there was a special offer on a 32″. Mex said it was too big. I said it wasn’t.…

  • Granny goes Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

    Hello All. Actually, I didn’t go eeeeek. Mex did. This lovely creature was on the ceiling right above his side of the bed. It lead to a bit of an argument. Me wanting him to chase it out the window. Him looking at me as if I had finally lost all my marbles. Out came…

  • Granny’s freak out.

    OK…so I lied. Time for one more post and then I must start getting ready to hit the road. Before I tell you what happened last night I have to describe my en-suite bathroom. Bear with me. It is tiny. It is defintely a one person room. I walked in last night to have a…