Granny has an exciting day…not


Hello All.

I am starting this post with absolutely no idea what we are going to talk about.

Well, firstly, it is a lovely day.
About the fifth one since we arrived at the end of April.
I might just take Jasmine out for another walk just now.
I will take my camera but there is nothing much to see.
Unless you all want to see the hundred dogs that live in our road.
The ones that ALL bark when you pass.

Mex is watching rugby…ho hum.
Oh, I see we are playing Australia.
Still ho hum.
Am not in the mood.

I have done very little this morning.
A few games of scrabble.
A few games of Rummikub.
Cleaned the toilet.
Washed the dishes.
Rivetting stuff.
I should vacuum and wash the floors.
But I would rather stick a knitting needle in my eye.

The spring flowers are all coming out.
Pity about all the rubbish.


On Thursdays the trucks come and collect the rubbish.
Vagrants descend and rummage through the bags.
Leaving what they don’t want in the flower reserve.
And use the area as a toilet.
So I won’t walk Jasmine there.
Dogs like to roll in disgusting things.

Now I think I shall curl up on my bed with my e-reader.
Finish the delightful book by the Twolisas.
And have a nap.

35 responses to “Granny has an exciting day…not”

  1. Ah , men and their least Mex is enjoying himself.
    Bulgaria has some pretty areas of flowers and trees along the roadside but people do dump rubbish there as well..great mounds of it. Veyt annoying when there is a rubbish bin not so far along the road.
    Hope you had a nice nap and a good read. Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey? maybe you should not as there is loads of sex in it and it is not good for ladies over a certain age…like me! I am on the third book and beginning to wonder about skipping to the end…too much is not good reading and it gets I mean! the story is ok

  2. Regarding the knitting needle – I wouldn’t suggest it. I had been told that carrots are good for your eyes. Tried sticking one in and it hurt like hell. Can’t imagine a knitting needle will feel any better! 🙂

  3. The weather here at theKZN coast has also improved.
    The vagrant problem on rubbish day seem to be a problem everywhere.
    Enjoy the reading and relaxing. Housework can wait 😉

  4. Hope you are floating along on a cloud of laughter, Granny. We enjoyed your e-mails this morning . . . especially:

    Q. Do I look fat?
    A. Do I look stupid?


    Wife: Adult diapers as a thong . . . Sexy, right?
    Spouse: Angel of Death . . . take me now!

  5. It’s great to have confirmation that you actually have time to yourself – to read, nap, walk. Seems like a long time since I’ve read your list of choices. There’s a blessing to all the sports on TV!

  6. Sometimes weekends of doing nothing much except reading and relaxing are just what the body and mind needs. With OH not very mobile we have had a lot of those recently and I have enjoyed not running around but relaxing at home instead.

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