Granny is as high as a kite.

Hello All.

No photo today.
I am on a borrowed laptop.
Which is better than borrowed time.

I am in hospital.
This could lead to some fun posts.
But not tonight.

I got admitted this morning.
I have been poked,prodded and pricked.
I have had blood taken.
I have given urine.
I have been x’rayed.
And the fun isn’t over yet.

Tomorrow I go for a scan of my stomach and kidneys.
And a MRI of my spine is on the cards.
I am having a blast.

They have given me painkillers.
Wonderful,wonderful painkillers.
I still have pain but it is manageable.
Hell, I could run a marathon.
OK…I couldn’t…but it is such a relief.

So far all the tests have been fine.
I wonder how long before they cotton on to the fact that I just wanted a little break.
The nurses have been great.
The food is good.
And I have had a visit from my DIL.
With pressies.

I might not be quite so happy tomorrow.
They are doing the scan at eleven.
I can’t eat after midnight.
I will be a very hungry Granny by lunchtime tomorrow.

A lovely lady in my ward has lent me her laptop.
I don’t want to keep it too long.
Hopefully she will let me use it again tomorrow.

So ….good night from a very sleepy Granny.
I love these pills.


32 responses to “Granny is as high as a kite.”

  1. Sounds familiar! I just got back from the hospital two days ago after a four night-three day stay. I had tests, surgery, etc. I won’t tell you the outcome–too depressing.

  2. Oh my Goodness, Gracious, Granny!!! why are you in hospital? Have a missed a post or something?

    The best of luck with all the tests and bits and bobs…come back soon.

    Get well soon… and thank that very nice lady for letting you use her laptop..there are nice people in this world xxx GET WELL SOON!!!!

  3. Oh my word Kath…..I am so sorry… praying that all will be well. Love you and look after yourself please….get well soon my dear friend. Will try call you tomorrow. Hugs xxx

  4. Now that is not good news at all Granny! Thinking of you and knowing that all will be fine and you’ll be back home soon with Jasmine. 🙂
    *big hugs*

  5. I do hope your string doesn’t break and that you come down safely!

    And that the scan tells them what is amiss and they fix it pronto! Poor Jasmine must wonder what is going on.

  6. Oh, Granny, I hope they find the source of the problems soon. I’m pulling for you! I’m blown over that you were able to even get this message out!

  7. dear granny…… thinking of you and you really are in the best place!!! dont be shy on the pain management!!!! Go for it!!! and enjoy the food, its always delicious if you did not have to prepare it or clean up!!!! Hope the scan has gone ok. Keep us posted. ❤

  8. OMG Granny! I thought you were feeling better! I was so shocked to read you’re in the hospital. I hope they find it’s something very simple and you’re out soon. I think the worst thing about hospital stays is those darned pricks (and I don’t mean the doctors LOL!) – needles, always constant needles. I HATE those things!!

    Get better quick, Granny! I’ll be thinking of you! XOXO

  9. Hmm… feel like I’ve missed something… how did you get admitted to hospital… A speedy recovery, granny – rest and yes! listen to the doctors. (Glad to hear the food’s good; that certainly helps 😉 )

  10. So sorry to hear you’re in the Hospital…I was wondering where you went…thought you just didn’t love me anymore. From reading your past few post, sounds like the WP Editing changes etc…put you in the hospital…I can relate to that, although, my problems, or, changes as it were took place a while back when they changed the NAV bar at the top…I guess maybe they were making some other changes. Anyway, glad you’re okay, and heading home tomorrow…though I haven’t made note of the date you wrote that yet… I will have to see…and not sure what time it will be for you guys…but, I just wrote a post about a Solar Storm coming tomorrow…or, maybe they just know that granny “Light” is getting out of the Hospital…Bless YOU!!

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