Granny is fighting fit.

Good Morning All.

So…sexy Doc phoned me last evening.
My blood tests came back.
He said they were world class.
Really…he did.
Not 3rd world, mind you.
World class.
I celebrated with a glass of wine.
Or two.

Talking about health.
Well, I was.
What on earth could I have put on my blog that would have caused me to receive spam mail offering to increase the size of my penis?
Last time I checked I didn’t have one.
Possibly I need new glasses.
If I DO have one is must be VERY small.

I have been watching the guy in the above pic for a while now.
He must be super fit.
He goes up and down the bay a couple of times.
It is a long way.
At quite a lick too.
He must have very well developed arms.
I worry,gently, that his legs might be out of proportion.

I have just phoned home to ask the teenager to wash the windows on one side of the house for me.
Her lack of enthusiasm was notable.
She will do it,though.
Love that girl.

Now back to work.
Have a wonderful day.

18 responses to “Granny is fighting fit.”

  1. I’m also getting a hell of a lot of spam over the past two days, don’t know what gives.
    I know the guy in the kayak, his name is Bobby and his legs are fine, don’t worry.
    Bless the girl for doing the windows, ask her to cook supper too …

  2. Glad your blood is world class which reminds me I must go and have my blood pressure checked. I’ve stopped the pills, want to see if I really need them, I still believe it went high cos I stopped smoking.

    • Good Morning Supa…am sticking to my pills…I was running late for my appointment and when sexy doc took my pressure it had jumped 20 points(of course that might have been from him)

  3. Lol, I’m also getting an incredible amount of spam, but it’s all invites to join sexy singles or lonely wives looking to have some fun! Bit of a joke with my rat leaving on Monday 🙂

  4. Maybe the phrase “sexy doc” got you tagged by spammers? Some really awful spam gets right through my email filters, yet those same filters block some legit mail. Go figure! I can’t believe there are still some people clicking on those things! LOL Glad to hear your blood work was so stellar!

  5. Damn. You ladies seem to be getting all the good email … not that I need it mind you. I just like to keep track of the technology. Congrats on the good blood work!

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