Granny is confused again.

Hello All.

Yes, woke up this morning, and was convinced it was Saturday.
Is that a retirement thing?
It is raining again.
And my tank is overflowing.
Plenty of water lying around.
On the upside, I won’t have to water the plants.
Not sure I will even feed the birds today.
I have to go down to the pharmacy just now.
Hope I can see the potholes!

Yes, all my kids are safe.
Thanks heavens.
There is an Afrikaans saying.
Roughly translated it means weeds don’t die.
Hope none of them read my blog!!!

One of my friends, from the complex, popped in last night.
Bearing gifts.
A nice piece of cooked chicken and a good bottle of wine.
Life is good.

In other news I hit the mother lode at my Dad’s house.
Found a whole box of antique cameras.
Now I just have to find a collector.
Also, 20 Giles magazines.
You can’t get them anymore.
Am sure someone will be interested.
On the downside, I have close on a thousand books to dispose of.

Now, let me put on a face.
And then go to my Dad’s place.
Have to measure a bookcase.
Someone is interested in buying it.

7 responses to “Granny is confused again.”

  1. Retirement,? I think that’s a fallacy because both you and I are even busier than when we were younger and working. Take care and look after yourself.

  2. Sounds like you don’t have time for retirement. I’m donating a lot of things at the moment. I put them in the classifieds on line as giveaway and they just walk out the door

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