Granny has a blog blackout

Hello All.

I have come to the conclusion my blogging is directly linked to my camera.
No photos no blog.
On Monday I think I must take my camera to work.
See if I can find something interesting to talk about.

I logged on today and found there were 35 comments in my spam box.
Not even very interesting ones.
The top searches are a little bit better.
Though I am sort of fascinated.
What have I ever blogged about that would make my post pop up if one searched for Granny and hot sex on the beach?
Am I losing the plot?
Did I forget a couple of posts?
Sex on the beach?
All that sand.
In places that one should NEVER get sand.
It is bad enough when one lies on a crumb.



I was hoping to explore for a new beach today.
There is a nasty cold wind blowing.
I don’t feel THAT enthusiastic.

I think I am a bit emotionally drained.
I am finding it hard to cope with the folk in the main house.
It is just like having three kids again.
No it is worse.
I can’t even smack them.
Two are too old and the third one is bigger than me.

On Friday I go up to spend the weekend with Wendy.
I can’t wait to see her again.
She had mixed results with her last tests.
Two of her brain tumours have gone.
The doctors now think the thing on her liver wasn’t cancer.
Her primary lung cancer has not changed.
She has a new tumour on the ribs.
I am a bit slow.
I think I now know why I haven’t felt like blogging.

Big breath.
Get out the camera.
Get the car out.
Go somewhere.
Clear the head.
Buy a nice treat to eat.

Talk to you later.


37 responses to “Granny has a blog blackout”

  1. Is this a photo of your new garden? It’s nice not to be overlooked. I hope things go well for Wendy and that her new tumour can be treated.

  2. granny you have gone through so much in such a short time and your emotions are all over the place, more so now in your support of a wonderful friend. It’s little wonder, girl. Take it easy and be kind to yourself. Love you very much. Am continuously praying for Wendy xx

  3. Treats make everything better. I’m sorry to hear about Wendy’s mixed results. She is still in my prayers. Please pray for my son-in-law’s mother who has numerous cancerous tumors and is undergoing chemo now. She is a dear, sweet woman (unlike her son) and I feel just terrible for her. Why do these things happen to such good people?

  4. I do hope that your friend Wendy finds the strength to continue to fight that foul disease. You have to remember that they managed before you arrived, I think you have ‘sucker’ stamped on your forehead right now! You definitely need to have time for yourselves.

    • Thanks Sue…me too…re Wendy.
      I know they managed on takeaways before I got here.
      Right now I think they are waiting for me to come in and warm up the leftovers for their supper.

  5. Hope you found your new beach Granny, you need a space to escape to when it all gets too much. As for me I will be glued to Sky TV tomorrow to watch the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations and heaven help anyone who interrups me.;)

  6. Piglet! this is Granny we are talking about..a bit of decorum please..remember her age!
    It will take a while to settle in and get used to having the old folks around and the change in lifestyle…but however you feel, happy, sad or anger…just write it on here …we are here to listen, to hug and to love

  7. Oh my goodness, so very sorry to hear about your friend. I will say some prayers for her.

    I don’t know what’s going on with the spammers lately, but the spammers are slamming me. I probably get 25-50 a day, which is insane.

    Oh, one time one of the searches that brought someone to my blog was “monkey butt love.” Really? I don’t think I’ve ever talked about a monkey, much less butt love with a monkey.

    Anyway, I hope all gets better for you.

  8. So sad to hear about your friend, granny.
    I’ve also been getting dozens of spam comments. Have to check them because sometimes, valid comments end up there.

  9. Granny, Wendy and you are both getting TT routinely. I agree with all your wise friends who’ve already said “take it easy on yourself, Granny.” I don’t think there’s one item on a stress test that you couldn’t tick. Well, okay, you couldn’t tick “Won The Lottery”. Phew, thank God, eh? 😀

  10. I’m so sorry about Wendy’s tumors. You’ve had enough things going on between your move, your “housemates”, and Wendy’s results to more than account for your emotional drain. I’d probably want to stay in bed with the covers over my head. I hope you did go out and get yourself a nice treat – you more than deserve it. Hope you have a lovely visit with Wendy next weekend. 🙂 We’re keeping you and her in our prayers.

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