Granny is testing

Dave and Harry….you are such darlings.
Cleared the history etc and I am BACK!!!!

What a pic to get back into the swing.
Mex’s injury when trying to move the washing machine.
No wonder he is so grumpy.

I will be back to normal with my posting and pics tomorrow.
Right now I can’t keep my eyes open.

Thank you so much.

16 responses to “Granny is testing”

  1. Oh myyyyy granny. I hope you have Arnica Ice to rub on that….looks really painful. A handful of mustard powder in a warm bath will relieve it. Glad to see that you have been helped with the photos. Love you xx

  2. Ouch! Oh boy, Granny, there will be some boundary setting for the first little while. When your heart wants to be magnanimous, ask yourself what it will look like after doing it a dozen more times.

    I know…you don’t need advice. I hope it’s encouragement to set the pace!

  3. So glad you’re photo-back Granny. Ouch! Mex sure hurt him good there. Sounds like you have a big washing machine like ours as well. Those things weigh a damn ton! Please give him some “get-well” kisses on the ouches and big hugs and lots of love to you and your babies. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Ooh . . . she’s back in business!

    Letting go of the past always helps us to move forward ~ whether its clearing out expired food . . . or clearing our cache. ๐Ÿ˜€

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