Granny’s shivering Sunday

Hello All.

This is definitely a yesterday photo.
Today is raining,windy and miserably cold.
Not that I am miserable.
I love winter.
Jasmine is pretty miserable.
I doubt there will be walkies today.

My little Malawian is cleaning,cleaning,cleaning.
We lifted up my Kingsize bed.
Now I know where all the flies, that Mex sprays, go to die.
We have been sleeping on a veritable Pets Cemetary.


I went off to pick up granddaughter.
When we got back the sun had peeped out and I opted to take Jasmine down to the point.
Just in case I was roped into moving furniture around.
The sea was alive with energy.

If you look carefully you will see two Egyptian Geese.
And a whole lot of those ugly birds.
And,no Cindy, they are not chickens!

One more for luck.

I shall try to blog after the op tomorrow.
But no promises.
Extremely difficult to hook my glasses over the plastic eye patch.

20 responses to “Granny’s shivering Sunday”

  1. After tomorrow you shall have a new theme song : “I can see clearly now the cataract (rain) has gone”!! Good luck for tomorrow.

  2. Good luck with the surgery-you won’t regret it ! getting rid of the cloudy lens is good. The new ones I got-now see 20 20. My thoughts will be with you.